Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Our Day In San Antonio

San Antonio is a fascinating city.  First its full of history and second its got so much culture !  We had a great time there today. I wish I could share all my pictures from the River Walk...its just beautiful.

The Alamo was of course something we needed to go see. If you are into Davy Crockett, this is the place for you. Linda and I roamed the gardens looking at cactus more than anything...the guys were enjoying the fort itself.

Near the Alamo is a strip mall and we were actually looking for a Mexican restaurant that is said to be excellent but the only one we found has been converted into a gift shop.  Anyway, we did come across a store that specializes in toy soldiers.  I was captivated by them, I think from an artistic stand point.  The intricate details of each figurine was amazing to me.  A little bitty figure of General Custer was $32.  Anyway, I snapped some pictures of the displays and you can see what I mean. 

River Walk was next. Their are a host of restaurants to choose from on the walk and so we finally settled on one and it was very nice.  After we ate we strolled the River Walk and took pictures.  Its just beautifully landscaped and full of life.  Romantic is what came to mind for me.

Our table was on the waters edge and we were enjoying the ducks in the water.  We were amazed at how people friendly the ducks and birds are.  I managed to get this close up picture of this bird because he was eating out of Henry's hand.  Henry would hold a piece of tortilla chip and the bird would land and take it from Henry's hand. 

We looked down and found this little guy roaming around at our feet !  His mother was in the water and kept looking up onto the sidewalk at him. 

While we were walking we noticed this squirrel having a berry and he was just so into his lunch he could not be bothered with us so I was able to get his picture close up too !

It was a really good day...again I am thinking of my mother and the trip I took with her some years ago.  We went to River Walk too but we had fish and chips there and I actually saw the restaurant that we went too.  I am enjoying Texas so much !  xxoo TML