Thursday, June 23, 2011

BC to DC

We started our day at a dinosaur park that sits atop a mountain overlooking Rapid City.  Linda and Henry first noticed the dinosaur when we came into town in our RV's and so we wanted to go see it.  Actually the view from up there was much more impressive than the dinosaurs !  Check them out....


Rapid City is called the Presidential City and so it only makes sense that they would have a statue of each of the presidents on the corners of their downtown area.  It took 2 miles of walking but we got pictures of all of them and they are really impressive.  Made out of bronze and life size, each one depicts the presidents personality.  We had a good time just trying to guess who they were from a distance !  I will give you a sampling of them.....enjoy !
Truman (with Dewey Beats Truman newspaper)



Kennedy (handing John Jr a toy airplane)

Bush Sr.


FDR (notice the brace on his shoe even !)

We had a really good day and the weather is excellent here.  Tomorrow we head southeast to Lower Brule for one night, where we are dry camping so may not have a WiFi connection. We are all aware that we are quickly making our way home....we all have mixed emotions about that.  It will be an adjustment for us, that is for sure !  Hugs and more hugs....TML