We crossed into Montana from Idaho ! Just the southwest tip, but Montana no less !
It was pretty exciting to come up on this sign !!
These are our first looks of Yellowstone, and just a few miles in we crossed into Wyoming but we could not get a picture of the sign until a couple of days later, so ignore the date on that picture !
Mud Pots !
Yep, snow and plenty of it while we were there !
Fishing Bridge is deep inside Yellowstone and where we camped ! Very popular place !
The Moose Lodge's first camping experience in snow ! It was banked up (HIGH) everywhere !
Our view from the front window ! I kept waiting for a bear but didn't see one !
We had a great time there....the first day we just got oriented and did a little shopping at the nearby general store. We were camping without electricity, so had to work through a few things with that ! It was also very cold so we had to drag out our sweatshirts and warmy socks ! We saw so many animals on the drive in but we could not stop in time to get good pictures ! We were all anxious to get to the next day when we could explore some but we got a good nights sleep our first night !