Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Our Yellowstone Experience Part 4

We drove out to Lamar Valley, where it is said lots of animals would be found.  We did see some, mostly Bison, and we saw them all around the park as we scouted they are and believe me they are all pretty incredible !  Let me also tell that as you are driving around Yellowstone, as sure sign of an animal sighting is a traffic jam....what a hoot we humans are !

Mule Deer

Ducks !

Who knows what this is, but its cute !

Back under that tree is a very big Black Bear !

Across the river is a Grizzly Bear !  We hoped he would come down to the water but he meandered down the road and out of sight !

Beaver...this was the size of a medium dog !

Moose...and he (or is it she?) was not too far from me when I got these pictures !