Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Magnificent Hoover Dam

Linda and Henry had previously toured the Hoover Dam, so today we went our separate ways in the morning and then met up for a fabulous and cheap lunch !   Joe and I took the tour of the Hoover Dam and it was really fun...a little crowded in our large tour group but we managed to stay near our guide to learn what we could.  Here are a few pictures ! 

This statue is outside the Visitors Center, probably a tribute to the men who worked on the dam for the 5 years it took to build it.  They earned $4 a day, worked 10 hour shifts and only had 2 days off a year.  The project was actually completed 2 years ahead of schedule !

This is a diagram of how water flows through the dam, creating electricity.  The outer pipes are the overflow pipes, which have only been used twice.

These are the Big Generators that produce all the electricity in the dam.

This is the Little Generator, which is used to run the dam itself ! 

This is one of the pipes that water flows through and 2 Greyhound buses would fit inside of it, easily !

Skinny paths between areas in the dam ! 

Views from either side of the overlook !

Interesting Trivia for you !  The dam was originally called Boulder Dam and then the name was changed as a tribute to Herbert Hoover, who came up with the idea for it, to the Hoover Dam.  President Roosevelt dedicated the dam when it was completed and he renamed it the Boulder Dam, thinking Hoover wasn't worth a dam !  Another politician later changed it again and permanently back to Hoover Dam...apparently thinking Hoover was worth a dam ! 

xxoo TML